Saturday, May 5, 2007


The 60s saw an influx of hippies coming to India in search of nirvana who brought with them the dope culture! Whether they achieved nirvana or not remains a mystery but the influence of dope stayed, which is catching up with the youth of today.

EVER SINCE the 60s rock music has closely been associated with dope. A walk down the memory lane will take us into a phase that has witnessed numerous revolutions in a quest to search for freedom. Today, a number of youth are falling prey to dope, reflecting the revival of a hippy's culture in some way.

Doping is considered to be trendy. It is becoming a big time fad in urban areas. What is it that lures people into doping? Why do a number of composers think that they can come up with their best works under its influence? What do they feel? How do they react?

The sixty’s saw the culture of rock ‘n’ roll emerge as a phenomenon that sparked off a reason to celebrate music. The scene of listening to rock bands like The Beatles, Dylan, and Doors was compounded with the experience of being high.

The Hippies and Yankees soon sprung up in various parts of the world. They were known for their carefree lifestyle. Rock bands soon began to be taken as symbols of individualism and were known for their unique lyrics and illuminated revolutionary ideas among the youth.

It was not long before music began to be produced for those sitting in their bunks,etc smoking dope and cherishing new albums. This led to the birth of a brand new culture together with music and psychedelics.

Nelly, 32, is doing research on different cultures. She says, “The hippie fad hit the middle class because The Beatles were a band that originated from Liverpool and portrayed rebellious ideas. Nothing was absolutely right or wrong. Kids attempted pot and acid even before they heard about new drugs like heroin, cocaine or crack.”

This was in the 60s but the trend is reviving in this era with great speed. There is immense unrest in the minds of the present day youth. The culture has shifted to rave parties and music. Some blame it on the multinationals while others on the killer rat race.

Dope is the latest trend, the latest fashion. The present generation is all set to find enlightenment.According to Nelly the justification one of the dopers gave her "When maharishis and munis get to smoke it in order to attain nirvana, we have every right to it too. Even we want to find the truth.”

Chirag,18, one of my friend, seems to know everything about dope. Its forms, what it does and how it works. It is like slow poison that will familiarize you with your end. Chirag went on,"you can have a positive trip or negative trip.If you have a positive trip it is fine but in case you get jumbled up in your own thoughts or phobias you can have a negative trip as well which can even result in a heart attack.”

Dope is destruction. It can ruin you. The after effects of drugs are extremely harmful. Many youngsters are trying stuff that they don’t even know about, and which is readily available with the local pan wallahs.

Many foreigners come to India looking for dope. They feel that it is a part of our cultural heritage. They get the notion from sadhus and monks who meditate on the Himalayan peaks.”

Substance abuse leads to a number of health problems in human beings. It is a fast developing phenomenon that needs to be curbed. We need to generate awareness among our youth about its adverse effects. Doping is not a fashion it is a curse.


Tired of getting the right place to settle on this earth,you might be a little luckier,as scientists in Germany had discovered another planet very similar to our planet earth.

FOR LONG HUMANS have been in search of planet which had similar features like earth and which would support life and those looking for a quiet but habitable spot away from the hustle and bustle of this planet EARTH ,GLIESE 581 just seems to be the right place.

GLIESE 581 was identified at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) facility at LA SILLA in the Atacama Desert recently.The planet is located around a star known as the GLIESE 581, which is about 20.5 light years away from earth’s solar system and among one of the 100 closest stars to the sun. One year on the planet lasts for only 13 days.

To make the discovery possible, researchers had to use a very sensitive instrument called HARPS (High Accuracy Radial Velocity for Planetary Searcher) that can measure tiny changes in the velocity of a star as it experiences the gravitational tug of a nearby planet.

Gliese 581 is much cooler and dimmer than our own Sun and the discovery has created tremendous excitement among scientists. The yet unnamed planet is only about one-and-a-half times the size of earth and five times massive than our earth, according to a team of European astronomers.

Its discoverers are not yet clear that if it has a rocky surface like the Earth or if it’s a frozen ice ball with liquid water on the surface.If it is rocky like Earth, according to the prevailing theory, it has a diameter of about one and a half times bigger than our planet and if it is an ice ball, then it would be even bigger.

The GLIESE 581 super-Earth is in what scientists call the "Goldilocks Zone" where temperatures "are just right" for life to have a chance to exist.Until now, all 220 planets found by astronomers outside our solar system have had the "Goldilocks problem." They’ve been either too hot or too cold. Or they are just a plain—too big and gaseous—like uninhabitable Jupiter.

The research team believes that the average temperature of the planet to be somewhere between 0 and 40 degrees celcius and that has set off celebrations among astronomers.

Xavier Delfosse of Grenoble University in France said that the newfound planet could inhabit life and will definitely be a target for future space missions to find extra-terrestrial beings.